During the Annecy Animation Festival I discovered a charming series of books called Zouk by Serge Bloch and Nicolas Hubesch. Just for fun I had a go at animating Zouk on her broomstick, trying to capture the style of Serge Bloch's illustrations.
And here is a little making of:
Nailed it! This is such a cool idea. Those textures really work too.
Thanks Dom! Yeah, the texture brushes in Toon Boom matched the style of the book perfectly!
Did you enjoy Annecy? At the end of the week a friend of mine picked up one of your business cards in the comic shop - I recognised the elephants!
Haha, yeah keith got in touch, and I saw his comic AMIKA blog. Really cool stuff!!
Annecy was great. I was my first time, so it took a while to adapt to the horde mentally required to actually get into showings. But I saw some great work, and met some amazing people!
But we're back now, and just graduated, which is pretty scary. If you can, you should definitely come by and see our grad show at the BFI southbank on friday, at 4pm. Some awesome work has come out of this year!
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the BFI this year - but I'll ask Anne for a copy of the showreel!
Congrats to you and your classmates on your graduation and good luck with your next moves!
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